Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oklahoma City Memorial Half Marathon

I've been looking forward to sharing with you a great accomplishment for me. I told you in January that I planned to run the Oklahoma City Memorial Half Marathon, and this past weekend, I did. I ran all 13.1 miles (Walked a hill or two!) in the pouring rain and hail.

I ran with my two dear friends. Katie (right) who I have known 18 years, since third grade. Stephanie who is my bff. Steph is leaving for medical school in Ohio, and she has been a serious runner for years now. It was such a great experience to share with these girls who mean so much to me.

Ry had some injury issues that kept him from running, but he was my biggest cheerleader. Meeting me halfway on my weekend long runs with a gatorade, making our pasta dinner the night before the race and hugging me close when I finished.

I'm really proud of myself.

Just before the race! Team lime and purple!

1 comment:

  1. grrrgrggrrruggugughgh.

    i posted a comment from my phone and it apparently didn't work. i'll have to get on a real computer more often.


    fantastic job, ashley! i'm very proud of you. i bet running, even in that terrible weather, felt awesome. :)


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